Meet Marshall Borrus — Benchmark Labs Deployed Engineer

Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, News

Meet Marshall Borrus — Benchmark Labs Deployed Engineer

2022 APRIL 07 — We are very excited to announce a new addition to the team!

Marshall Borrus joins Benchmark Labs as a Deployed Engineer with experience from Stanford University as a Research and Project Assistant as well as experience in the winemaking industry. Let’s learn a little more about Marshall…  

Why Benchmark Labs?

There has been a tremendous amount of progress in climate and weather modeling, but not enough of a focus on breaking those advancements out of their academic bubble. I was drawn to Benchmark’s promise to deliver more certainty and foresight to farmers, land managers, and energy producers in an increasingly uncertain climate. I believe in the team’s mission to provide people with the tools to make better-informed decisions with more reliable data: protecting crops, saving water, reducing energy, and increasing climate resiliency. It’s a mission I’m proud and excited to be joining!

How did your past experience bring you here?

I’m coming to Benchmark Labs from Stanford, where I was involved with climate modeling research, with a specific focus on what sets the limits of our ability to predict weather, as well as the integration of machine learning into global climate models. I had previously worked as a winemaking assistant in Oregon and saw firsthand the impacts of extreme weather as we dealt with the harvest under the smoke of the Slater fire only a few miles away. Benchmark Labs was the perfect union of my interests in wine, agriculture, and weather.

What are you excited about for the next year?

I’m looking forward to learning how different groups think about weather, working with customers to help develop solutions for their problems, and to build something which makes people’s lives easier (and their livelihoods more dependable).

In my own life, I’m excited to continue exploring my new home of California, biking and running in lots of new areas; seeing new sights from sea otters to sequoias!

Benchmark Labs is the first AI-driven, localized weather forecasting platform addressing the microclimate challenges companies face today. Benchmark Labs delivers up to 60% more accurate forecasts, empowers customizable alerts and the API-driven platform can ingest data from first or third-party sources. This has huge implications for resource scheduling/scaling, weather mitigation, energy use/optimization, water use and more.

If you would like to learn more about Benchmark Labs from our team and sign up for a trial, go to our sign-up page. If you are interested in joining our team as well, take a look at our careers page. Either way, we would love to hear from you!

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